We want our customers to be fully satisfied with the choice they have made. If for any reason you are not happy with your order, you have the right to return your order provided you give us a written notice within 10 days of receipt.

This 10 days period starts from the date the goods have been signed for. Just include your name, order number and a reason code as subject reference in the form below.

Please be aware that returned items must not have any scuffs, marks, scratches or signs of wear. Shipping fees are non-refundable. Requests for exchanges and returns are only available for 10 days after they have been marked “delivered”.
Postage prices do not include custom duties and additional charges that may be levied by your local tax office. Should you fail to clear the order through local customs and pay the relevant duties the goods will be returned to us and a refund less the costs of returning the goods (shipping plus any associated duties) to Tawa will be automatically made to the card used to purchase the order upon receipt of the goods. We will issue you with a refund for your order excluding shipping costs and any associated duties charged to Tawa.

Please be advised that you will be responsible for paying the shipping costs when posting anything to us. Shipping costs are non-refundable. Always get an insurance when posting anything to cover your own back and avoid dispute with your local post office.

Thank you.